

Want to prepare for medical school, graduate study or a top-notch job? 学习原理 of life from the molecular level to the biosphere.

A biology student carefully places samples into a tray

We train our majors broadly across all areas of biology from the biomedical to the ecological using an evolution-centered curriculum. Many biology students are interested in attending medical, dental or some other health professions school, while others are interested in working in academia or research.



  • 生态与环境
  • 遗传学
  • 比较脊椎动物解剖学
  • 医学主题
  • 免疫学
  • 病毒学
查看课程 & 学位要求


There are no special admissions requirements for our undergraduate program. 的信息 on our graduate programs, please see our 研究生入学要求.


研究 plays a major role in the professional life of our tenure-track faculty. These research programs support our teaching mission and allow us to engage our students 在科学的过程中. Many of our faculty members also serve on the 健康 Professions 咨询委员会. 见见我们的教员.


我们有一个 严格的 生物学本科课程 that prepares students for future careers in a variety of fields. 例如,生物学 majors who apply to medical school are accepted at twice the national average and our alumni report feeling well-prepared for health-related professional programs and 研究型研究生课程. The preparedness of our undergraduate students is reflected by their performance on the ETS Major Field Test, a national exam which assesses a student’s mastery of concepts in a range 生物学科, including cell biology, genetics, ecology, and evolution. 我们的学生一直在得分 全国前10%.  

In addition, our undergraduate students are able to meaningfully engage in 生物研究与教师  who regularly publish in their fields. Many students will spend two or more years conducting research, providing them with the opportunity to develop a variety of laboratory and/or field skills including data analysis and scientific communication. 我们的学生 have unique opportunities to apply for research grants, present their research at several TCU-sponsored events, travel to scientific 会议 to present their work, and even co-author scientific publications. 

我们提供 research-centered 生物学研究生学位. 研究生 students work closely with their faculty mentors to design, carry out and 交流他们的研究. Over 90% of our MS students publish their research in peer-reviewed international journals and nearly 100% present their work at scientific 会议. Course work provides graduate students not only with the opportunity to deepen their subject knowledge, but also to prepare them for scientific writing, teaching, and other aspects of professional development. 研究生 students find themselves well-prepared 对Ph值.D. programs, as well as scientific careers in industry and government.

The success of our undergraduate and graduate programs in biology stems from the culture of personal attention provided to our students and the commitment of our faculty to the academic and professional development of our students. 我们以创造为荣 a welcoming and supportive environment where students are intellectually challenged and enabled with the skills necessary to reach their goals.


The field of biology is broad and provides students with a diverse set of opportunities 毕业后. Many biology graduates choose to continue their education by attending medical, dental, or other health-related professional schools. 有兴趣的学生 in research find themselves well-prepared for Master’s or Doctoral programs in a variety 生物学科.

应届毕业生 have gone on to pursue advanced degrees at University of Colorado, University of Pennsylvania, Notre Dame, Duke University, Louisiana State University, 和犹他大学. Other students, including those who complete their graduate degrees in biology, pursue careers in industry, government, or academia. 应届毕业生 have obtained positions with the Tarrant Regional Water District, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the National 研究院 of 健康, the Houston Arboretum & 自然 Center, Western EcoSystems Technology, Proctor & Gamble, the Southern California Coastal Water 研究 Project, and the University of Texas-Arlington.


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