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Institutional Equity

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Harassment & Discrimination

Knowledge is power steps

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Step 1:

File a report

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Step 2:

OIE staff will respond.

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Step 3:

OIE staff conducts initial inquiry.

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Step 4:

OIE staff resolves report.

基于下列一项或多项发生的骚扰和歧视 characteristics are prohibited by law and TCU Policy 1.008:

  • Age
  • Color
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Gender Identity or Expression
  • Genetic Information
  • National or Ethnic Origin
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Veteran Status

基于个人的年龄、种族、肤色、 宗教,性,性取向,性别,性别认同,性别表达,民族 出身,种族,残疾,易感基因信息,退伍军人 身份,以及受法律保护的任何其他不合理干涉或 限制个人参与或实现预期利益的能力 一项机构活动、就业、获得合理的便利或 other resource.

Examples of discrimination behavior may include the following:

  • a faculty member giving a student a lower grade because of the student's race;
  • 因性取向而受到负面绩效评估的工作人员;
  • 没有从学校获得学术帮助的残疾学生 instructor.

一般来说,骚扰是一种不受欢迎的口头歧视 或者基于个人年龄,种族,肤色,宗教,性别,性取向的身体行为 取向、性别、性别认同、性别表达、国籍、种族、 残疾,易感遗传信息,退伍军人身份,以及任何其他 受法律保护的基础是严格的、持久的或普遍的 a hostile work or learning environment.

一个敌对的环境可以由持续的或普遍的行为或一个单一的 or isolated incident, if sufficiently severe. The more severe the conduct, the less 需要展示一系列重复的事件来证明一个充满敌意的环境, particularly if the conduct is physical. A single incident of non-consensual sexual 例如,接触或性交可能严重到足以构成敌对行为 environment. In contrast, the perceived offensiveness of a single verbal or written 单独的表达通常不足以构成敌对环境.

报复是对任何人采取的任何行动,因为个人提出 一份善意的报告或正式的投诉,指控法律所禁止的行为 这一政策或因为个人作证,协助或以其他方式参与 在调查本政策所禁止的或相关的行为时 proceedings. Retaliation can take many forms, including, but not limited to, adverse 暴力、威胁、恐吓行为、其他骚扰或歧视行为.

偏见事件是由犯罪者对他人的偏见所引发的行为或行为 身份包括但不限于,种族,肤色,宗教,性别,性取向 性取向、性别认同、性别表达、国籍、移民身份、 age, disability, genetic information or covered veteran status. Bias occurs whether 该行为是有意或无意的,可能是针对个人或团体的 and may be initiated by an individual or group. A bias incident may contribute to creating an unsafe or unwelcoming environment.

种族和民族刻板印象主题活动-学生组织或个人 谁举办主题派对,鼓励人们穿戏服和/或以某种方式表演 那些强化种族和/或民族刻板印象的偏见事件并没有反映出来 an inclusive community.

课堂偏见——基于假设、偏见做出评论的教师 or stereotypes about a protected class of people, i.e. females, religious minorities, 少数种族群体或残疾人表现出的行为 would constitute a biased incident.

职场偏见——基于受保护的阶级做出评论、笑话或手势 identity may create a hostile work environment. Even displaying pictures and items 那些传达不恰当的性信息的人也可能会助长这种风气 the workplace.

微攻击被定义为“简短而普通的日常言语、行为或行为” 对环境的侮辱,无论是有意的还是无意的,都是一种交流 hostile, derogatory, or negative...slights and insults. (Wing Sue, 2007) A microaggression, 虽然不合适,有时会造成伤害,但不会上升到非法骚扰的程度 or discrimination in most cases.

Experts have identified three types of microaggressions:

  1. Microassaults -直接和明确的口头或非口头沟通,意图表达 purposeful and discriminatory statement.
  2. Microinsults -表达粗鲁、麻木不仁或潜在贬低他人的言论 racial heritage or identity. Many times, the person may believe that they are delivering a compliment but they are actually communicating an insult.
  3. Microinvalidations -否定、否定或减少经验现实的口头评论或行为 of a person of color. These are actions and behaviors that deny racism and discrimination. Invalidations occur when a person undermines the struggles of target groups.

Microaggressions in the Classroom:

  • Using heteronormative metaphors or examples in class.
  • 使用不恰当的幽默来贬低来自不同身份群体的学生.
  • 要求个别学生代表一个特定的观点和/或信仰 affinity group
  • 学生提供姓名后不能正确发音 correct pronunciation multiple times.

Microaggressions in the Workplace:

  • 提到平权法案是一位同事获得晋升的原因 or hire
  • 赞美有色人种,说他们“口才很好”或“说得很好” well” in a meeting
  • Asking someone of ethnic descent, “Where are you from?”

Microaggressions in the Community:

  • 拿起你的私人物品或穿过街道以避开男性或肤色
  • Saying something like, “I don’t see color, I treat everyone the same.”
  • Touching someone’s hair who has an ethnic hairstyle

仇恨犯罪发生在违反州刑法的情况下 这种违法行为的动机,全部或部分地,是罪犯的偏见 对受害者的实际年龄,肤色,残疾,性别认同或 表情、遗传信息、婚姻或家庭状况、民族或族裔出身; race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status. 

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